What is subcision, uses, benefits and side effects?

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What is subcision, uses, benefits and side effects?

Subcision is one of the methods used to eliminate acne scars, aiming to separate the scar tissues created from healthy skin. If you have any questions about this method for treating scar and acne marks, stay with us in this article.

What is Subcision?

Subcision is one of the treatments for scar and acne marks. In this treatment method, a physician removes the damaged area using a sharp and pointed instrument, which also causes damage to the surrounding healthy tissues. By doing this, collagen production in the targeted area increases several times, and the scar gradually improves over time.

How does Subcision treat acne scars?

Acne scars have an anchor attached to the main skin tissue. In subcision, this anchor is broken using a sharp tool, and the connection between the damaged tissue and the healthy skin tissue is eliminated. By doing this, a blood clot is created under the skin, which provides conditions for increased collagen production and tissue regeneration in the damaged area.

How is Subcision performed?

Step 1: Preparation Before performing this procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned, and the locations of the scars should be precisely marked using a pen. After that, local anesthesia is injected to numb the skin.

Step 2: Choosing the Subcision Device A special needle should be used for each skin and scar. If the wrong needle is chosen to penetrate the skin, the risk of damaging the surrounding healthy tissue increases!

  • Sharp needles: Hypodermic needles 18-23G
  • Nokor needles: Nokor needle is a tri-beveled needle specifically designed for performing subcision.
  • Blunt micro-cannula: With this needle, bleeding and swelling after the procedure are less compared to sharp needles.

Step 3: Performing the Procedure The selected needle is gently inserted into the deeper layers of the skin to sever the connection between the damaged and healthy tissues. In this step, a burning sensation in the treated area is somewhat normal.

Step 4: Cleaning the Wound To prevent further bleeding and swelling, the physician should remove any remaining blood from under the skin by applying pressure to the wound area. Then, the wound is cleaned, and an antibiotic cream is prescribed to prevent infection.

Types of Subcision Methods
Subcision with Autologous Blood Technique:

 This method was introduced for the first time 20 years ago and has been used. In this method, a certain amount of blood is injected into the desired scar area to prevent the connection between the damaged tissue and the healthy one. However, as you might guess, this method is not without flaws. Because there is a possibility of blood clot formation under the skin.

Subcision with Skin Graft:

In this method, first, a small incision is made on the desired area using subcision. At this stage, the connection between healthy and damaged tissue is eliminated. Then, using a CO2 laser, the skin graft is performed from the area behind the ear to the treatment area.

This procedure must be performed by a specialist physician in the field of skin graft and subcision. Because in some cases, there is a possibility of inflammatory scar formation on the skin. If such a wound is observed after the operation, the wound site must be reopened, and anti-inflammatory drugs injected into it.

Subcision with PRP:

 In this method, which is somewhat similar to the autologous blood injection method, injection of platelet-rich plasma derived from the individual's own blood into the treated area after creating the wound is performed. This method has very few side effects because platelet-rich plasma contains a large amount of growth factors and skin regeneration factors.

Subcision with Fillers:

Since fillers are used in this method, it can be considered the best option for treating deep scar areas. Fillers alone are not used to eliminate scars. In this method, a brief wound is created using subcision, and after breaking the connection between the damaged tissue and the healthy tissue, the filler is injected as needed.

Ideal Scars for Subcision Treatment:

This cosmetic procedure is an excellent therapeutic option for the following types of scars:

  • Acne scars
  • Chickenpox scars
  • Scars resulting from accidents or surgeries
Benefits of Subcision:

Among the various methods available for acne scar removal, subcision has garnered a lot of attention because:

  • There is no risk of pigment color change in the skin after the procedure, unlike the potential risks associated with laser treatments due to inadequate operator expertise and inappropriate treatment methods for the individual.
  • The positive results of this treatment method are quickly noticeable compared to other methods such as laser.
  • This method can be used to treat a wide range of scar types.
Who Are Suitable Candidates for Subcision?

If you suffer from residual scars on your facial skin, it is important to ensure that the chosen method is compatible with your scar type and skin condition before selecting a treatment method.

In general, subcision treatment is recommended for individuals with deep scars. For example, if there is an observable indentation in your mouth area when smiling or talking, your scars are likely deep and cannot be treated with methods such as laser or microneedling. This is because in these two treatment methods, only the superficial layers of the skin are accessible and affected by the treatment. It is important to note that increasing the length of microneedling needles or increasing the power of laser does not reach the deeper layers of the skin.

Who Should Not Undergo Subcision?

If you fall into one of the following categories, you should inform your physician before undergoing this procedure:

  • Your skin is prone to infection even with small wounds.
  • Your skin is susceptible to abnormal scar formation such as hypertrophic and keloid scars.
  • You have low blood concentration and experience severe bleeding with a small wound on the skin.
Recovery Period After Subcision:

As mentioned, the recovery period for this method is shorter compared to other methods for scar and acne removal. Redness and swelling after the procedure disappear within 2 to 3 days. Bruising resulting from the created wound also disappears within 2 to 10 days depending on your skin type. Many individuals experience 1 to 2 degrees of improvement in their scar areas after 6 months.